I got to watch a colic surgery on a horse i was in no way attached to which was wonderful in a strange way. It was a wednesday (our days "off" but really, the days we take for field trips/adventures) and i got out of the shower to learn from Suzie that we were going to get a tour of the Chino Hills Equine hospital. I was really excited. To keep up with tradition, we stopped to get doughnuts. The only reason i wanted to fill you in on this side trip is because i want to remember that Mama's Doughnuts has the best coconut doughnut ever. Alright, moving on. The tour was absolutely fascinating. I got to see the operating rooms, the recovery rooms, the barn where all the patients were, the lab, the x-ray room, the tools that were used, and the list goes on and on. Joe, the generous man who gave us the tour, explained to us how a typical surgery went. As we were getting ready to leave, we ran into one of the doctors that Suzie knows and he invited us to sit in on a colic surgery that was going to be preformed in a half hour. Little did i know, that in the next four hours i would see so much. We dubiously ate lunch beforehand and luckily didn't live to regret it. As i sat above in the viewing room i thought to myself how surreal the whole thing was; it wasn't natural for a horse to be lying on a bed with its legs in the air, having surgery on its stomach. That was the hardest part for me. Overall, however, it was very fascinating. I would go on to describe the surgery in full, but it would be bore you. It was so interesting in person. The doctor did a great job at being thorough and giving advice to the owner. He ended up re-secting the large intestine by cutting most of it out. Before he did that he made sure to examine every inch of the small intestine which, mind you, is only 67 feet long. No big deal. It was intriguing. Even though i can handle the blood aspect of it, I could never be an equine vet because i would get too attached to the horses and not be able to look at it from an objective angle. I admire the people who are there though, that takes a decent amount of strength. Hopefully, i will never see them again, unless we go back and visit.
Technically, I got a new horse for the next year and a half! She is truly suzie's but, she is my project for the rest of the time i'm here. She got here yesterday morning and is adorable. Her name is Vega (pronounced "Bega") after the plane Amelia Earhart flew. She's an andalusian/thoroughbred cross with bay coloring and black socks and a black dorsal marking down her back. She has soft eyes and a sweet disposition. At least so far. Apparently she might be a little bit of a problem child to start but i'm sure after i spend some time training her, she will be adored by many. Hope so. She is only 1 1/2 years old. I get to start riding her in the spring and show her before i leave. I can't wait! I will post pictures and write about my success, or failures, with her. I am sure there will be many bites, kicks, and lessons to learn. So exciting!
Having raven here is indescribable. I still can't get over seeing him every morning when i wake up and walk out of my room. He is always blowing me away with his willingness to try the new things i ask of him when we work. He is proud that an old dog can learn new tricks. He is starting to feel different when i ride him and it's so cool to think that it's only been three weeks. I love him.
It's a love hate relationship with the kittens. They have tripled in size since i got them and their energy has sky rocketed. Tomorrow night they are being exiled into a stall. I can't wait to actually sleep, even though i'll miss them cuddling up to me and purring in my ear. Like i said, love hate.
Can i just say that i am so overwhelmed/ecstatic/anxious/happy/thrilled that i get to visit home for thanksgiving!!! I cannot wait to see my family, my home, my friends, and the familiar things i miss. I can't wait to meet my parents at the airport, drive on 35W to see the skyline, drive down my alley, drag my suitcase through my backyard, open my back door, smell the wonderful smell of my home, catch up with my brothers, run upstairs, plop down on my bed and take in the fact that i will get to see my friends in the next 24 hours. Only two and a half more weeks! Wow, that is going to go by insanely fast.
Is it annoying if i say how lucky i am again? If it is, too bad. I'm so damn lucky.
Until next time....
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